Monday, May 9, 2016


* Thinglab ... Exciting New Ideas And Technology * 

There has never been a more exciting time with learning.
With the Internet, social media and mobile technology we have never been more connected - there has never been a more exciting time to learn.

There has never been a more exciting time with technology.
With new technologies such as virtual reality, 3D printing, 360 imagery, 3D imagery, the Internet of Things, drones, robots and artificial intelligence becoming available to the general public -  there has never been a more exciting time in technology.

Thinglab Foundations
InspireNshare Thinglabs are about experience and are based the open, informal, DIY and social ideas of Maker culture, "The Web We Lost",  "Web Squared" and Connectivism.

Maker culture emphasises a DIY, informal, social, peer and shared learning motivated by fun and self-fulfilment.

"The Web We Lost" emphasises open, connected social technologies and ways of doing things.

Web Squared  emphasises the exponential potential when new technologies meet Web 2.0 ideas of open, social, and DIY participation in the real world  ... "when web meets world".

Connectivism emphasises the role of social and cultural context - that people learn through contact, connection and experience. Connectivism embraces technology, diversity and continuous life-long learning - it is "a learning theory for the digital age" 

Surf and Learn
Inspired by Maker culture, "The Web We Lost",  "Web Squared" and Connectivism inspireNshare Thinglab explore new approaches with education and technology - emphasising open, social, informal, "freestyle" and experimental methods ...... "where web meets world" we surf and learn.

Heads On Hands On .. HOHO Learning
InspireNshare Thinglabs are not just about ideas - that would be "Thinklab".  InspireNshare Thinglabs are about ideas and experiences - Heads On Hands On (HOHO) to enjoy and have some fun :)

Any Thing
InspireNshare Thinglabs are not just about digital - that would be "Digilab". While digital technology is important, InspireNshare Thinglabs are about 'things" .... artefacts, paper, hand-tools, analogue, art, craft .... even magic, as well as digital.

Find out more about Thinglab at

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